14 min

100% Human Written. Not AI Generated.

100 Steps for Scaling

David Cabaldon
David Cabaldon

This Guide is still a Work in Progress.


For established businesses looking to grow their online presence

1 - A/B Split Testing

2 - Multivariate Split Testing

3 - Heatmap Tracking

4 - Email Tracking Pixel

5 - Google Analytics Tracking Behaviors

6 - Accounting - Move to bulk / annual pricing

7 - Managing Technical Debt

Technical Debt NomoCode technical debt be when trying to estimate the time of project take. If good systems have to put in place the estimation complexity that's gonna take, to do a task go up because there's hidden, uh, unexpected complex pieces that, uh, are hidden. And because the most, uh, the best systems haven't been put in place, it um, becomes difficult to estimate since that's not often considered in the process of estimating what needs to be done. Generally, because the implementations are in place, often the details of the implementation get forgotten and only the knowledge that that system does exist or a similar system exists is there, uh, when estimating things, it's not until you delve into tasks that then you remember realize that that has to be done. The other bigger aspect is just the time in general for each task goes up, and you'll see that as a, the chart grows just as a rule of thumb. The larger the code base, the more there is to read. So it's a rate growing linearly, but then with technical debt, it's gonna grow exponentially, uh, depending on how bad the technical debt is. { title: "Analogy Programming - Not cleaning up codebase, just with passing of time, results in weeds growing. Simple weeds, but still grow since forget why did things overtime", destination: "NomoCode.com" },

8 - Google Lighthouse Score

Onboarding Procedures

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